Ecstatic buddies dancing with raised hands at beach party

MADE IN JUNEThis female DJ has been spinning records since 2007. First she started to play records at small clubs at the beginning of the evening. But later more and more as the main DJ of the night.
Made in June is one of the few female DJ’s who is also a star in mixing the music. In the heavily male dominated DJ market, it is rare to find a female DJ who has all the potential. Because the eclectic style of Made in June is it even more difficult to be a good mixer. She knows which song to play and make the people want to dance all night long!
She playes in the clubs of Amsterdam like Paradiso, Air, Sugar factory, De Kring, Club Up, Bitterzoet, Jimmy Woo, Winston, Flexbar, Westerunie, club 8 etc.

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